Do’s & Don’ts

VerifyWho offers phone search services, there are times, instances and scenarios when you may not use Verifywho. Specifically, Verifywho may not be used if the information you are seeking is governed by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and/or pertains to searching a number or caller in connection with considering someone for employment, reassignment, promotion or retention (even, for example, a possible nanny, babysitter, tutor or even soccer coach), or considering someone as a tenant or roommate, or considering someone for a scholarship or admission, or assessing the risk of someone's existing credit obligation or otherwise considering eligibility for issuing credit or insurance, or reviewing to determine whether a customer continues to meet the terms of an account, or any other context relegated to consumer reporting agencies, which Verifywho is not. Please see our Terms of Service for additional information.

Can I use Verifywho to try and search out the guy or girl I met online?

Yes. One of the main reasons people use our site is to try and learn more about a person that they met online in anticipation of meeting in person. People also use Verifywho to try and learn more about someone they are dating. Please be advised, however, that no information that Verifywho provides can ever assure you that a stranger is in fact safe and accordingly you should always exercise caution when planning to meet with someone that you do not know well or have met online.

Can I use Verifywho to find lost friends or relatives?

Yes. Provided you are otherwise complying with our Terms of Service and are in no way harassing or stalking any individual and there is no legal barrier, such as a restraining order or protective order, many use VerifyWho to try and find someone with whom they have lost contact.

Can I use Verifywho to try and learn more about online buyers or sellers?

Yes. Consumers and online shoppers often use VerifyWho to learn more about online sellers and merchants. Please be advised, however, that no information that Verifywho provides can ever guarantee that a seller is safe or legitimate and you should always exercise caution. Always take precautions and practice safety first when considering to meet with a buyer or seller you have met online.

Can I use VerifyWho to find people's contact information?

Yes. Verifywho endeavors to provide up-to-date phone numbers and addresses that can assist with countless tasks, like finding addresses for holiday cards and wedding invitations, or finding a number you simply no longer have handy.

Can I use Verifywho to get a better sense of my own online presence?

Regular monitoring of your online presence and reviewing what information (or misinformation) about you is publicly available is often advisable and some of our users take advantage of our Dark Web feature to try and assist with identifying stolen passwords or even identity theft.

Can I use Verifywho to verify someone's educational qualifications?

No, you cannot. That use is prohibited by our terms and the FCRA. You may want to directly contact their educational institutions for that information.

Can I use Verifywho to check out my ex's new girlfriend or boyfriend?

Possibly, though it may not be healthy. If you are curious and doing nothing that could be construed as stalking or harassing your ex or another, you will still want to remain cautious about using any service to learn more about a former interest's current significant other. At the same time, if you are a parent, it is very natural to want to learn more about a a potential new stepmom or stepdad who will be spending time with your children or someone who may be driving your children.

Can I use Verifywho to check out my maid, lawn-guy or babysitter?

No. While we understand why you would want to search a potential domestic employee that will be in close proximity with your family, FCRA specifically prohibits using people search services as a form of background checks to make employment decisions. Employment background screenings, such as GoodHire, are better options for such contexts.

Can I use Verifywho to make business decisions?

That depends on the business decision. As explained above, if you are an employer, you cannot use Verifywho to make employment decisions, to assess credit worthiness or provide insurance services or the like. Absent any violation of Verifywho's Terms of Service you should be ok to use Verifywho to try and learn more about potential business partners.

Can I screen tenants or roommates using Verifywho?

You absolutely cannot use Verifywho to screen tenants or roommates, even subletting property. This should be done through formal credit reporting agencies.

Can I use Verifywho to consider someone looking to be an adoptive parent or pet-owner?

No, you may not use Verifywho when evaluating someone as a candidate to adopt a pet, service animal, human or any other item under consideration for entrusting in someone's care or custodianship.

Can I use VerifyWho to vet someone in connection with a charity or non-profit?

No, you may not use VerifyWho to vet eligibility or fitness of someone to participate in, be considered for, admitted to, or to be a beneficiary or recipient (or otherwise entitle someone to gain from), any non-profit, grant or charitable program or activity.